Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Musings from the Depths of Silence

Note: All previous postings were published on another blog from June-August of 2008. After a series of technical adventures, I moved everything over here to my new Blogger blog. Welcome!

Here are some of my latest musings that came out of last weekend's silent retreat. Stillness and silence are such incredible gifts for deepening the relationship we have with ourselves and our reality.

In joy & love,

We think we need to collect, gather and add to the “me,”
When really, to awaken the peace within…clearing the clutter and debris,
To clearly see….
The truest me….
and simply BE.

In chasing the discovery
of the true divine nature within me,
I trip and fall into the void of no-thing
And, to my surprise, that’s when my dreams begin to take wing.

When you do not speak, and I do not speak, it is then, in that silence, that we genuinely meet for the first time.

In that space beyond words, our hearts are united. Noticed or unnoticed, love cracks us open, and timelessness tumbles out. Essence emanates from all corners of the universe, blanketing our world with softness, comfort, and care.

It is the beauty in me that recognizes the beauty in you.

When recognition and knowing collide, beauty explodes. Its lovebeads are strung across the universe for all to enjoy.

When recognition and knowing collide, beauty explodes….it’s shrapnel pierces the veil of the “I am not,” and the everything dissolves into the nothing, as it’s always been.

The greatness in me, is the same as in you. In a moment of forgetting this, my eyes are closed and my heart is cold.

My uniqueness and originality are not my own at all. They’re God’s clever brilliance shining through me as a painted canvas, or an encore performance – for the audience of one (and all) to appreciate and cheer.

Copyright 2008, Julie Dittmar, True Divine Nature, LLC

A Beautiful Vision

(photo of water sparkles at Cannon Beach, OR coast)

I had a vision the other day. I remember seeing a beautiful lake on a bright, sunshiney day. It wasn't so bright that you had to shield your eyes from the glare off the water, it was just right to stand in the shade and just take in the view of the whole lake with my eyes.I noticed how pretty the sparkles were of the light reflecting off the water. Then, came a voice with messages for me. I was a little surprised, but it felt so lovely that I opened up all my senses to truly LISTEN.

I heard, "WE are the sparkles on the lake....all beautiful and spectacular in our own ways, and yet no one shines brighter than another. We all equally bring our light to the lake.”

I felt the wisdom and thought about we spend so much energy in our lives striving to achieve, to stand out, to be better, to be the best, when really, we can just enjoy living life doing whatever brings us joy, and knowing that we ALL are shining lights. We ALL are already “the best.” We all ARE a sparkling part of the whole of this planet, of this Universe. No sparkle is MORE sparkly than the next one and tries to out-do it. It simply shines.

How do you perfect Spirit?

I felt even more relief, and any self-imposed pressure lift off and fall away with this reminder and deeper knowing. It was a nice little gem that popped into my day to remind me (us) to be easy with ourselves on this path of playing out these roles as humans in this life…. “Together As ONE.”

Later, as I was preparing the photo of sparkles I took at the beach, I took a closer look at the them. Suddenly, some of them reminded me of my biology class in high school where Mr. Berg taught us about chromosomes. I thought, how funny, (that like always), nature is just doing what it does….reflecting the beautiful cosmos inside of our bodies.

(human chromosomes)

In joy & gratitude for all our *sparkliness*,


Julie Dittmar
True Divine Nature

Peaceful Chocolatey Goodness

My soul partner (spiritual teacher and intuitive healer, Matt Kahn) and I are thoroughly enjoying spreading the love and peace in the world with our brand new CD "The Chocolate Meditation - Being One with the Sweetness of Life."

This latest project came out of a desire to actually witness world peace in our lifetime. This is both our deepest prayer and the offering we wish to leave behind for future generations. We both agreed that if each person began discovering the true nature of their being, not just as something reserved for Buddhas, monks or saints, but as the true reality offered to each individual to live from, we would all begin to offer our greatest contribution to the peace of humanity right now.

This arising "peace of being" became the gift we realized needed to be delivered, but we wanted it to be in a way that would be universal in understanding, and simple in experience.

We began thinking of times in our lives when we felt this arising peace of being without the spiritual seeker in us looking for it, and we both remembered vivid memories as children eating a delicious piece of chocolate, and how nothing else seemed to matter in those delicious moments.

We joked about those memories being the first time we experienced true meditation without even knowing it, and all of a sudden - it clicked!

We could teach the world how to live in peace and bring humanity together through the joy of chocolate. The Chocolate Meditation was instantly born, not as a literal interpretation of having people find peace by eating more chocolate, but by discovering the radiant stillness of inner peace, by imagining yourself as innocent as a child enjoying a piece of chocolate. It's chocolate covered presence, if you will. It's the "power of now" that has the power to unite the world as one.

People always ask us how they can continuously live in the expanded space of presence they experience in sessions or at our events. As The Chocolate Meditation evolved, we knew we had something special to offer, not only as our contribution to world peace, but as an invitation to allow the spiritual journey to become as fun, light-hearted and joyful as it is actually meant to be!

Also included on The Chocolate Meditation CD, is a powerful experience of loving-kindness and global gratitude. This is important, so as one discovers the profound space of inner peace in the first track of the chocolate meditation, the second track was designed to allow that peace to radiate throughout the world every time you listen.

After I came out of the studio from recording both meditations, having combined the best of Matt's profoundly peaceful, loving, timeless teachings with the healing frequencies delivered through my voice, I knew I was a part of something extraordinarily special. I felt my best work had just been recorded for the benefit of the world I lovingly embrace in my heart.

Matt and I listened to these two meditations and allowed ourselves to be guided to test the experience. Each time, we became extremely giddy with the excitement of sharing it with the world it was meant to inspire.

[Note: --> Many of you may know my work as the voice and creator of the guided imagery CDs for T. Harv Eker's Peak Potentials Training programs. From living with more inner peace, to manifesting financial abundance, hundreds of thousands of these CDs have gone way beyond what I ever imagined, as they reach into the world and help make it a more harmonious place for us all!]

“The Chocolate Meditation” has been created to assist the awakening of humanity.

Just recently off the presses, we're already hearing how it's transforming so many lives across the globe in such an immediate way. We've already received hundreds of enthusiastic phone calls and emails telling us how it's not only a heart-opening and peaceful way to live in an expanded state of consciousness, but is also a tool to sleep better, and has even helped relationships grow into deeper spaces of love. And, it's even been assisting people to actually lose weight! How crazy-wonderful is that?

Peacemakers ranging from the U.S. to Israel, Australia, Canada, the U.K., Hong Kong, and Malaysia, are snapping it up and getting into the joy of chocolate by buying this CD 20 to 100 at a time, and offering them as instruments of peace to everyone they know. Wow!

We are so incredibly grateful, because 100% of the proceeds from the sales of The Chocolate Meditation, is going toward a monumental peace project that is sending Matt and I across the country to offer satsang and healing meditation events to universities, churches, yoga studios, shelters, hospitals, and even prisons, as we help create a bridge of ONENESS that brings the world together.

After all, it is only together, that we shall create the world we wish to see and awaken the true divine nature that peacefully rests in the space of all. Blessed be!

For Reflection
How are you a peacemaker in your life, and for those around you? In what ways are you creating and enjoying contributing to a peaceful planet? Where could you have even MORE peace in your life? What step will you take in the next moment to BE the peace that you already are?

Peace, love & the joy of chocolate,
Julie Dittmar
True Divine Nature
(253) 639-0770

Big Joy!

Welcome to my very first foray into the blogging world! I have been reading everyone else's blogs for so long now....all those great juicy ones out there on food, living green, and creating big, happy lives. I never once imagined having my own. Until today!

For some unnamed, unknown, creative reason, I caught the blog inspiration today. Goodness, what's next, an iPod, a Blackberry, or GPS in my car? The theme of today has been -- "How can I bring more JOY into today? "Why more joy? Well, first off, because it feels good in the body. Secondly, it creates a more peaceful way of moving through everything from the seemingly mundane "errands", to the exciting chart-topping successes!

Joy, for me, reduces any stress, boosts my immune system, and definitely is a precursor to me sharing smiles and more love with those around me. Quite often it's my inner child who helps me answer questions like that.

So, today, I took a walk in nature (sooooo rejuvenating and heart-opening) because it's finally looking and feeling like spring in beautiful Seattle, I spent some time bouncing on my rebounder, and enjoyed my favorite latest find - 1/2 of a wheat-free, gluten-free muffin from our local gluten-free bakery, Haley's Corner Bakery. The chocolate chip pumpkin one is OUT OF THIS WORLD! It inspires both giggles and moans, in my book! How do YOU get into JOY and express it in the world?